Elliot McIntosh

London-based Graphic Designer and Art Director with over 10 years agency experience.

Previous clients include: Nike, Arsenal FC, Converse, FIFA, Boiler Room and Twitch.

Other Works

+44 (0) 7877 647 959
Graphic Design & Art Direction Glasgow born and bred, Elliot has a background in graphic design and art direction; working mainly in campaigns for football, fashion, lifestyle and music. Vigorous exploration, meticulous detail and crafted storytelling are at the heart of his work.

91 Born: July 17th @ Yorkhill Hospital

‘06 First Job: Site Labourer @ Glendale Electrical

‘13 Graduated: Graphic Design BDes (Hons) @ Dundee University

‘14 Internship: Junior Creative @ Frame

‘15 Full-Time: Junior to Mid Designer @ Material

‘18 Full-Time: Mid Designer @ Stereo Creative

‘19 Full-Time: Brand Creative Designer @ Nike

‘20 Full-Time: Senior Designer @ Stereo Creative

‘22 Full-Time: Design Lead @ Stereo Creative

‘25 Full-Time: Freelance @ Elliot McIntosh